

Meningitis – an overview of the symptoms and signs!

Meningitis is inflammation of the membranes covering the brain called meninges. It usually follows a bloodstream infection, pneumonia, pelvic and urinary tract infection, and upper respiratory tract infection. Meningitis may be caused by bacterial, fungal, tuberculous, or viral infections. The most common bacteria causing meningitis in adults is streptococcus pneumonia. In newborns, E.coli is the …

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muscular dystrophy

Duchenne Muscular dystrophy – Diagnosis & Treatment

Duchenne Muscular dystrophy is an X-linked congenital disorder where the genes are inherited from an affected parent. It is a disorder affecting primarily the skeletal muscles leading to progressive muscle weakness. Since the dystrophin gene is present on the X chromosome, it mainly affects the males. A young child with Duchenne muscular dystrophy A 13 …

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